Special Services
Dear Parents, Teachers and Visitors,
Within the Belvidere Cluster School Districts of Belvidere, Harmony, Hope, and White Township, we offer a variety of programs and services designed to meet the individual needs of students. Our special education offerings include providing instruction in the general education setting with a variety of levels of support, pull-out resource room classes for students needing a smaller group environment, to out-of-district placements for individuals requiring a more specific and targeted program.
We also offer individualized Reading and Math interventions through our Response to Intervention (RtI) Program. This is a system of identifying students who may be experiencing academic and/or behavioral difficulties, where an action plan is developed and implemented over a course of time to aid in improving their success. If you have specific questions regarding RtI, you are encouraged to contact your child's school directly.
The information listed throughout the Special Services & Child Study Team pages is meant to provide you with assistance and knowledge regarding the general and special education services we offer throughout the cluster. There is a wide array of information covering topics such as the Special Education referral and eligibility process, related services, Early Intervention and Child Find, as well as contact information for our Cluster Child Study Team members.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly at 908-475-6600 x1439 or rbigelli@belvideresd.org.
For all parent referrals, a letter requesting services and stating the reason for the request must be written and submitted to the Director of Special Services, 809 Oxford Street, Belvidere, NJ 07823. Parents are notified of any referrals made to the child study team, usually through a staff member on the RtI committee where the school referral would originate.
Yours in Education,
Ryanne Bigelli
Director of Special Services
Belvidere Cluster School Districts
(Belvidere, Harmony, Hope and White Township)
Link: PRISE- New Jersey Parental Rights in Special Education